
For us, being a sustainable ranch and creamery is non-negotiable. We love where we live and work, and want to keep it looking as beautiful as when we got here. It's a constant work in progress, but here are just a few of the ways we are trying to reduce our carbon footprint as a business, so we can feel better knowing our company is minimizing waste and reducing energy.

In honor of National Grilled Cheese Day, we're celebrating with an ooey, gooey slice of grilled goodness using crusty bread from Wayward Baking and our limited-release LumberJack cheese.

Check out this recipe for a Chanterelle Tartine using Ragged Point as one of the spotlight ingredients from local executive chef, Michael Cherney.

Springtime is goat birthing (kidding) season on the ranch and is one of the most vital, essential and exciting times of the year.

Not only is Ragged Point delicious, but it's also award winning! We were honored to place third in the triple crème category for Ragged Point at the 2018 American Cheese Society annual competition awards.

Almond was one of the three OGs (Original Goats) that Jack Rudolph purchased when he first moved to the ranch and decided to get a few pet goats.

Some of our staff call him “Smooth” and some call him “Criminal,” but if our does could speak they would most likely just call him “Stud”! And that is exactly what he is - the Stepladder Stud and father to the majority of the 2021 kids born on the ranch!