Not only is Ragged Point delicious, but it's also award winning! We were honored to place third in the triple crème category for Ragged Point at the 2018 American Cheese Society annual competition awards.
Every year, the American Cheese Society (ACS) hosts an annual conference where cheese lovers, makers, retailers and enthusiasts gather for presentations, roundtables, breakout sessions and discussions on well, all things cheese.
Part of the conference includes the ACS Judging & Competition - the largest judging and competition of its kind for American-made cheeses. The judging can get quite intense.
According to the ACS, judges work in teams of two: one Technical and one Aesthetic. Technical Judges deduct points for flaws and defects from a perfect score of 50; Aesthetic Judges award points for outstanding characteristics and qualities to a maximum of 50.
Winners are announced at the Awards Ceremony held during the Conference. By hosting the Judging & Competition, ACS hopes to shine the spotlight on American cheesemakers by showcasing their talents and work as leaders within the industry, both for their excellent cheesemaking and commitment to food safety.
“We celebrate and respect the craft of every cheesemaker who enters.” - American Cheese Society
We entered Ragged Point in the triple crème sub-category, under the larger Soft Ripened Cheeses category.
“We worked for years perfecting our Ragged Point recipe, and decided to enter it into the competition because we knew we had something special. The ACS judges also give you great specific feedback on how to improve your products” said Jack Rudolph, owner of Stepladder Ranch & Creamery.
It’s a small format bloomy rind triple crème cow’s milk cheese named for the gateway to Big Sur just North of our farmstead in Cambria, California.
The paste stays firm as the cheese matures, and does not become overly soft. As Ragged Point ages past four weeks, it takes on a peppery character and a distinct cream line underneath the rind forms.
“Ragged Point is our signature cheese and our team is obsessive about making it perfect. We were happy the judges felt the same way as us about this small but mighty button of creamy goodness.”

About the American Cheese Society
ACS is the leading organization supporting the understanding, appreciation, and promotion of artisan, farmstead, and specialty cheeses produced in the Americas. At more than 2,100 members strong – nearly a doubling of membership in its last decade of operation – ACS provides the cheese community with educational resources and networking opportunities, while encouraging the highest standards of cheesemaking focused on safety and sustainability.
Buy Ragged Point
Ragged Point is one of our top-selling year-round cheeses. Available online, select retailers and farmer’s markets throughout California. We enjoy this cheese with apples, honey and crusty bread. It also pairs nicely with a glass of wine, or eaten straight from the packaging - we don’t judge!