Goat Spotlight: Turmeric

Goat Spotlight: Turmeric

Dec 07, 2022Amanda Ford

Turmeric was born on the ranch on March 4, 2019 and is one of the girls in our “Spice Girls” lineage. Her mom Ginger was one of the first does that Jack and Michelle welcomed to the ranch in the early days of the creamery and Turmeric has many cousins and sisters still in the herd with her today.

Turmeric the goat

While many of her relatives take after the spices they were named for and are generally quite sassy, Turmeric seems to be a bit of a the “black sheep” of her family and is instead very docile and sweet. 

Turmeric the goat

Though she has a core group of buddies, she is also rather independent and seems to enjoy wandering the fields by herself. She is very curious and always wants to investigate her human companions and our odd contraptions (rakes, cameras, clipboards, etc.) when we are out in the pasture. She seems to most enjoy taking long naps in the sun, peaceful forays into the field, and extended breakfasts with her pals - who can blame her for that! 

Turmeric in the pasture

Turmeric is one of our only pure white does in the herd and is a little on the portly side - we love to see her waddle around the pasture searching for snacks and scratches. Some of the staff like to call her “froggy” because she has huge eyes that always seem to be popping out like a frogs’s, especially when she is curious about something. 

Turmeric smiling at the camera

She also happens to be one of our best milkers as she produced 1.75 gallons of milk per day at the peak of the milking season in 2022. At only 3 years old she will remain as a milker in our herd for many years to come.

We are expecting her next offspring to be born on the ranch on March 18th, 2023. We are hoping she will have a daughter so that we can add her to the milking herd!

Turmeric with her babies


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